I enjoy tracking the progress towards the green IT goal. Every so often, I see a few things here and there where I think 'now there's a milestone'. A lot of times they are related to a huge company doing something that you have never heard of them doing before. Here are a few of those.
- Home Depot, for example, is starting to sell solar panels to mainstream America.
- Staples is now offering environmentally friendly paper. This is not too surprising, but that fact that the product is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council is, because they take into account certain non-business elements such as indigenous peoples' rights and community relations.
- VIA's carbon free computing campaign is impressive.
- Finally, Al Jazerra themselves have said that energy consumption will be one of the primary components in triggering ecosystem collapse. Now, that's a new angle!
- Oh, and half of Europe lost power today. Not for the last time.
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